The Pros and Cons of Solar Tenant Billing in California | {CalSolarInc}
Solar energy has steadily been on the rise in California's energy markets, and more and more landlords are switching to solar energy in the next few years. Solar tenants, what are they? These are people who lease solar panels from their landlord, instead of buying them from a third party. This lets them reap the benefits of saving money on utility bills without having to do any of the hard work, such as installation and maintenance of the solar panels. There are both advantages and disadvantages for this arrangement, but if you research it properly, you can figure out if this kind of energy contract is a good choice for you. Making the decision to use California solar tenant billing can be a daunting task. The best way to decide if solar is right for you is by calculating your return on investment. If you are considering moving into a new home, think about how much it will cost over time to install solar panels on the roof. When leasing a house, take into account the monthly lease...